Acting Career Blog

How to Answer "Tell me about yourself" at an Acting Audition

The tell me about yourself question is most commonly asked in commercial auditions.

Way back in 2015, I uploaded a video titled how to answer the dreaded tell me about yourself. It’s one of the first videos I ever uploaded and up until now, it’s been my most popular video on my YouTube channel.

In that old video, I explained how to answer the question but I never showed an example. So in this video I want to show you an example of what my response would be.

In my answer, you’re going to see me talk about my dog. Any time I get asked the “tell me about yourself” question or a variation of it, I always find a way to steer the answer towards talking about my dog. And the reason I do that i...

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Home Ownership for Actors and Freelancers with Muretta Moss and Mitzi Marshall

Pursuing your acting goals shouldn't force you to put your life goals on hold. If you want to buy a home and you're wondering if you can do it while also pursuing an acting career, watch this interview! Realtor Muretta Moss and mortgage broker Mitzi Marshall discuss how actors and creatives can start the path to home ownership. Get rid of the starving artist mentality!

Contact Muretta Moss:
IG: @murettasellsatl
Em: [email protected]
Ph: 404.410.2777

Contact Mitzi Marshall:
IG: @mitzis5
Em: [email protected]
Ph: 404.304.9953

May 13:
"A piece of fiction about a birthday on May 13th."

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Best Self Tape Camera in 2020? Example Auditions with 4 Cameras

What's the best self taping camera for auditions? In this video, I'll show you four self tape audition examples each recorded with a different camera. We start with my cell phone and progressively work our way up to a professional $2500 Sony A7iii. The primary goal of this test was to answer these questions:

1. Is my phone a good enough camera to self tape my auditions?
2. What are some benefits to buying a camera dedicated to self taping?
3. Does more expensive automatically mean better quality?

I think the self tape audition examples from each of the four cameras will help answer all of these questions.

â—‹ Google Pixel 3 Cell Phone: https://amzn.t...

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Thoughts on George Floyd, the Protests, and Racism


Register to Vote:

Black Lives Matter:
Reclaim the Block:
Color of Change:
The Okra Project:
Fair Fight:

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7 Ways to Memorize Lines for Your Acting Audition

What's the fastest way for an actor to read a script and memorize lines for an audition or a job? In this video, I break down how to memorize lines fast seven different ways. These are the memorization techniques that I use for my own auditions. Sometimes I'll use all of them for one audition, other times I'll pick and choose. But having all seven in my tool belt gives me confidence to know that I have other methods to try if one isn't working. Try these out for yourself the next time you need to memorize lines fast.

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Health and Fitness Tips for Actors with Tyler Buckingham

Fitting exercise and nutrition into the weird and irregular schedules of an actor's life can be challenging. Finding a routine that works and building sustainable habits are key to living a healthier lifestyle, but it's hard when every day is a different schedule. In this interview with Tyler Buckingham, actor and personal trainer, we talk about how actors can incorporate health and fitness into their busy lives.

Buckingham Fitness:

Buckingham Fitness YouTube Channel:

Buckingham Fitness Facebook Community:

Book by Harold Guskin | How to Stop Acting:...

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What to Wear to a Film and TV Audition

Today’s topic is what to wear to an audition. Specifically for movies and television shows. Whether it’s an in person audition, a self taped audition, what should you wear? How much should you dress like the character you are auditioning for? Let me tell first you what I’ve been told most often in my career and then I’ll share some tips from two casting directors.

The advice that I’ve heard most often throughout my career is that you should dress to suggest the character. Meaning you should definitely wear something similar to what your character might wear but not to go overboard. For example, if you were auditioning for a football player, it might be a good idea to wear workout clothes ...

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10 Commandments of Self Taping Auditions

Watch this video to see my 10 Commandments of Self Taping Auditions.

      1. Follow the Audition Directions
      2. Non distracting background
      3. Video should be horizontal
      4. Camera on a tripod
      5. Lens is eye level
      6. Actor is well lit
      7. Actor is louder than the reader
      8. Quiet on set
      9. Keep file sizes small
      10. Turn it in ON TIME
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What is the Meisner Technique? A Conversation with Jessica Houde Morris

What is the Meisner Technique for acting? You may have heard of it before. Maybe you’ve seen famous actors talk about it. Or maybe you watched a weird acting exercise called Repetition one time and you’re wondering where the heck that came from. In this video, I interview my very first acting teacher who taught me the Meisner Technique over twelve years ago.

In the interview, we talk about what the Meisner technique is, why it’s important for actors to study a technique, and what is that weird Repetition exercise all about. Jessica also talks about some online classes that her school is currently offering available to anyone around the world with an internet connection.

Houde School of A...

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What I Learned Acting in The Vampire Diaries

Back in 2016, I had the incredible opportunity to work on an episode of The Vampire Diaries during its final season. To date, it’s still one of the most interesting on set experiences I’ve ever had. In this post, I want to share with you a few lessons that I learned while working on The Vampire Diaries.

Lesson 1: Follow Your Instincts for the Audition

This is probably the most popular show I’ve ever worked on. It’s definitely the longest running show I’ve ever worked on. I appeared in Season 8 Episode 12. Prior to that, this show had already been running for nine and a half years and 166 episodes. It really felt like the cast and crew worked together like a well oiled machine because the...

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